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Inspection and Troubleshooting of On-site Systems

This two day workshop covers inspection, auditing, risk assessment, troubleshooting and rectifying problems with on-site wastewater management systems. Illustrated scenarios, photographs, data and hands-on investigation of on-site systems in the field are used to provide participants with an opportunity to learn of practical strategies and how to effectively implement them.

Course content includes:

  • Inspection of On-site Systems
  • Risk Assessment
  • Developing and Applying an Audit Protocol
  • Troubleshooting Scenarios
  • Testing and Monitoring On-site Systems
  • Factors Influencing Option Selection
  • Quantifying and Defining System Failure
  • Improving On-site Systems
  • On-site System Assessment – Accurate Diagnosis
  • Suitable Combinations of Options
  • Rectification and Improvement
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