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On-site Wastewater Management

This three day course covers all aspects of on-site wastewater systems, their design and management. The course illustrates how best practice and a wide range of emerging technologies can be used to optimise on-site wastewater management and protect public health and the environment. The course comprises illustrated lectures, practical demonstrations and exercises and a field based site evaluation and design exercise.

Course content includes:

  • The Regulatory Environment
  • On-site Wastewater; Generation, Quantification and Characterisation
  • Primary Treatment; Septic Systems
  • Other Primary Treatment Systems and Greywater Options
  • Secondary Treatment; Sand Filters, Media Filters and Mound Systems
  • Secondary Treatment; Wetlands and Reed Beds
  • Secondary Treatment; Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTS/STS)
  • Soil Assessment for On-site Wastewater Management
  • Soils; Hydraulic Conductivity and Dispersion
  • Soils; Soil Testing
  • Soils; Workshop Review
  • Soil Absorption Systems; Trenches and Beds
  • Passive Dosing Systems; Siphons and Flouts, LPED Systems
  • Evapotranspiration Systems and Sizing by Water Balance
  • Nutrients and Land Application Areas
  • Irrigation Systems; Componentry, Selection and Design
  • Site Assessment; Desktop Study
  • Site and Soil Assessment
  • Design Exercise
  • Failing Systems; Auditing and Troubleshooting
  • Failing Systems; Tracers and Source Tracking
  • Regional On-site Wastewater Issues
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